Lately I have posted quite a number of articles related to Vietnam. This post is also without exception. Yes, you are right, it is about Vietnamese Coffee. This eatery distinguished itself from other posts about Vietnam is because of its location. Its physical location is not in Vietnam but in Johor Bahru. Hitherto, I have not come across other eateries serving this kind of coffee in Johor Bahru.
Let me take you on a guided tour on these few miserable photos shown below.
It is located at the main entrance of a shopping centre sandwiched between railway track and Jalan Tun Abdul Razak. I have difficulty telling you the exact name of this shopping centre because it does exist another place called Danga which is along the seaside. In future, I just hope when the owner of building tries to coin a name for itself, please do not duplicate or incorporate name already existed elsewhere.

The coffee implement consists of three parts( arranged in this order from top to bottom):
a. the hat ( the cover )
b. the body
c. the filter
It sits on a ceramic cup with plate.

The coffee ( quite a substantial amount ) is placed inside the body together with hot (?) water.
The ground coffee discharges its chemicals into the hot water which forms a rich aroma solution.
The filter does the job of seperating the liquid and ground coffee and, there you are, the brew is collected by the thick-wall cup placed underneath the filter.
You can remove the implement from the ceramic cup when you are quite sure that there are no more yield to expect from the body. You also have to rearrange the implement and place them in the following order:
a. you overturn the hat and place it on the table
b. Rest the filter on the hat
c. the body is placed on top of the filter
d. You enjoy the coffee brew
If you fail to perform this ritual correctly, the workers ( I think they are foreign workers ) are willing to show you the trick.
If you order coffee-O, a pot of sugar is provided for your own helping. However, if you order coffee, the milk is also pre-added in the pot.
I always try to maintain neutral when writing about foods as the taste is a very subjective and personal matter. By and large,Malaysian foods are usually tasty if they are not too grossly salty , sweet or plain. But do give yourself a try at this place. The seats are rather limited.

I have not tried these. I prefer something that goes well with coffee. ( E.g., Toasted bread with butter and kaya.)
For this coffee rendezvous which comprises the followings:
1. Two cups of coffee
2. One toasted bread ( no photo taken as it is already inside the gastric tank ,)
Total cost: RM6.80
Footnote : Have you ever wondered what is the difference between a filter and anus?
If I remember about this question, I will put up a post about the difference.
If you have the answer, please drop inside my comment box.
You're right. The change of name from Best World to Danga City Mall confuses a lot of people. I still use the old name (Best World) when referring to that building. Since my office is next to the building, I have hard time explaining to clients if I use the new name, Danga City Mall.
Thanks for the comment.
It is such a nice feeling that when you have somebody who agrees with your thought. You achieve the highest state of happiness when the whole world is in resonance with you.
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