Monday, January 18, 2010

English Usage in China

This signage is displayed prominently as you enter the bathroom.

According to the Canon Law and its Interpretation, are you supposed to wear slipper inside the bathroom or otherwise?

The concierge of the hotel offers no better explanation either. On the safer side, please ignore the English equivalent. Brush up your Chinese while you are in China.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Tale of Two Cities

This novel is a must in your reading list, even the Nobel Laureate Chen-Ning Franklin Yang could recite the first para without looking at the book.

I will read again this novel on my trip to China tomorrow. Medically speaking, if you stare at black alphabets or numbers for a certain numerical time frame, the book has the hypnotic effect of putting you to sleep.

As China still maintains the ban on blogger site, my blog will be on animated suspension for five days. So, my dear friends, please take a short rest, visit my blog after five days.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Books That You Must Read

New Year resolution comes in many flavours. As far I am concerned, I would like to spend much of my time on watching movies and reading books. So, the books listed below are my recommendation. I will list the highly recommended movies in my next post.








Prometheus Bound


Alcott, Louisa May

Little Women


Anderson, Sherwood

Winesburg, Ohio


Anderson, Hans Christian

Fairy Tales



The Poetics


Augustine of Hippo

The Confessions


Austen, Jane



Austen, Jane

Mansfield Park


Austen, Jane

Northanger Abbey


Austen, Jane



Austen, Jane

Pride and Prejudice


Austen, Jane

Sense and Sensibility


Balzac, Honore de

Colonel Chabert


Balzac, Honore de

Cousin Bette


Balzac, Honore de

The Country Doctor


Balzac, Honore de

Father Goriot


Barrie, J.M.

Peter Pan


Bellamy, Edward

Looking Backward





The Bible, King James Version


The Bible, New Testament (KJV)


The Bible, Old Testament (KJV)


Blake, William

Songs of Innocence and Experience


Boccaccio, Giovanni

The Decameron


Bronte, Anne

Agnes Grey


Bronte, Anne

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall


Bronte, Charlotte

Jane Eyre


Bronte, Charlotte



Bronte, Emily

Wuthering Heights


Browning, Elizabeth Barrett

Sonnets from the Portuguese


Browning, Robert

Selected Poetry


Bunyan, John

The Pilgrim's Progress


Cather, Willa

My Antonia


Cather, Willa

Death Comes for the Archbishop


Cervantes, Miguel de

Don Quixote


Chaucer, Geoffrey

The Canterbury Tales


Chekhov, Anton

The Seagull


Chekhov, Anton

Uncle Vanya


Chopin, Kate

The Awakening & Selected Stories


Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Poetry & Rime of the Ancient Mariner


Collins, Wilkie

The Law and the Lady


Collins, Wilkie

The Moonstone


Collins, Wilkie

The Woman in White


Conrad, Joseph

Heart of Darkness


Conrad, Joseph

Lord Jim


Conrad, Joseph



Conrad, Joseph

The Secret Sharer


Conrad, Joseph



Crane, Stephen

The Red Badge of Courage


Dana, Richard Henry

Two Years Before the Mast


Dante, Alighieri

The Divine Comedy


Darwin, Charles

Origin of the Species


Defoe, Daniel

Robinson Crusoe


Defoe, Daniel

Moll Flanders


Dickens, Charles

Bleak House


Dickens, Charles

A Christmas Carol


Dickens, Charles

David Copperfield


Dickens, Charles

Great Expectations


Dickens, Charles

Nicholas Nickleby


Dickens, Charles

Oliver Twist


Dickens, Charles

Pictures from Italy


Dickens, Charles

The Pickwick Papers


Dickens, Charles

A Tale of Two Cities


Dickinson, Emily

Collected Poems.


Donne, John

Songs and Sonnets


Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Crime and Punishment


Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

The Double


Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

The Gambler


Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Notes from the Underground


Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

The Idiot


Douglass, Frederick

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes


Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir

The Hound of the Baskervilles


Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir

Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes


Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir

The Return of Sherlock Holmes


Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir

His Last Bow


Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir

The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes


Dreiser, Theodore

Sister Carrie


Dumas, Alexandre, pere

The Count of Monte Cristo


Dumas, Alexandre

The Three Musketeers


Eliot, George

Adam Bede


Eliot, George

Daniel Deronda


Eliot, George



Eliot, George

The Mill on the Floss


Eliot, George

Silas Marner


Eliot, T. S.

The Wasteland


Eliot, T. S.

The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock & Other Poems


Emerson, Ralph Waldo



Fielding, Henry

The History of Tom Jones


Fitzgerald, F. Scott

The Great Gatsby


Flaubert, Gustav

Madame Bovary.


Forster, E. M.

Howard's End.


Forster, E. M.

A Room With a View.


Forster, E. M.

Where Angels Fear to Tread.


Frost, Robert

Collected Poems.


Gibran, Khalil

The Madman


Gibran, Khalil

The Prophet


Gissing, George

New Grub Street


Gissing, George

The Odd Women


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

The Sorrows of Young Werther


Gogol, Nikolai

Dead Souls


Gogol, Nikolai

The Inspector General


Gogol, Nikolai

The Overcoat


Hardy, Thomas

Far from the Madding Crowd


Hardy, Thomas

Jude the Obscure


Hardy, Thomas

The Mayor of Casterbridge


Hardy, Thomas

The Return of the Native


Hardy, Thomas

Tess of the D'Urbervilles


Hawthorne, Nathaniel

The House of the Seven Gables


Hawthorne, Nathaniel

The Scarlet Letter


Hawthorne, Nathaniel

The Blithedale Romance


Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Twice Told Tales


Hesse, Hermann




The Iliad



The Odyssey


Hugo, Victor

Les Miserables


Huxley, Aldous

Brave New World


Ibsen, Henrik

A Doll's House


Kafka, Franz

The Metamorphosis


James, Henry

Daisy Miller


James, Henry

The Ambassadors


James, Henry

The American


James, Henry

The Turn of the Screw


James, Henry

The Portrait of a Lady


James, Henry

Washington Square


Joyce, Jame

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


Joyce, James



Joyce, James



Kafka, Franz

The Metamorphosis


Keats, John

Collected Poems


The Koran (Qu'ran)


Kipling, Rudyard

Captains Courageous


Kipling, Rudyard



Khayyam, Omar

The Rubaiyat


Lawrence, D. H.

Sons and Lovers


Lawrence, D. H.

Women in Love


Lewis, Sinclair



Lewis, Sinclair

Main Street


Locke, John

Second Treatise on Civil Government


London, Jack

The Call of the Wild


Machiavelli, Nicolo

The Prince


Malory, Thomas

Le Mort D'Arthur


Marlowe, Christopher

Dr. Faustus


Marx, Kar

The Communist Manifesto


Melville, Herman

Bartleby, the Scrivener


Mellville, Herman

Billy Budd


Mellville, Herman

Moby Dick


Mellville, Herman



Meredith, George

The Egoist


Milton, John

Paradise Lost


Milton, John

Paradise Regained



The Miser


More, Thomas, Sir, Saint



Nietzsche, Friedrich

Beyond Good and Evil


Orwell, George



Orwell, George

Animal Farm


Paine, Thomas

Common Sense



The Republic


Poe, Edgar Allen

Collected Tales


Pope, Alexander

The Rape of the Lock


Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

The Confessions


Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

The Social Contract


Sand, George



Rowlandson, Mary

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration


Scott, Sir Walter

Guy Mannering


Scott, Sir Walter



Shakespeare, William



Shakespeare, William

As You Like It


Shakespeare, William

All's Well That Ends Well


Shakespeare, William

Antony and Cleopatra


Shakespeare, William

A Comedy of Errors


Shakespeare, William



Shakespeare, William

King Lear


Shakespeare, William



Shakespeare, William

The Merchant of Venice


Shakespeare, William

Much Ado About Nothing


Shakespeare, William

Julius Caesar


Shakespeare, William

Romeo and Juliet


Shakespeare, William

A Midsummer Night's Dream


Shakespeare, William



Shakespeare, William

Twelfth Night


Shakespeare, William

Two Gentlemen of Verona


Shaw, George Bernard



Shaw, George Bernard



Shelley, Mary



Sinclair, Upton

The Jungle



The Oedipus Trilogy



The Red and the Black


Sterne, Lawrence

Tristram Shandy


Stevenson, Robert Louis

Treasure Island


Stoker, Bram



Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Uncle Tom's Cabin


Sun Tzu

The Art of War


Swift, Jonathan

A Modest Proposal


Swift, Jonathan

Gulliver's Travels


Tennyson, Alfred

Idylls of the King


Thackeray, William Makepeace

Vanity Fair


Thoreau, Henry David

On Civil Disobedience


Thoreau, Henry David




History of the Pelyponnesion Wars


Tolstoy, Leo

Anna Karenina


Tolstoy, Leo

War and Peace


Trollope, Anthony

Barchester Towers


Trollope, Anthony

The Way We Live Now


Truth, Sojourner [Gilbert]

The Narrative of Sojourner Truth


Twain, Mark

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Twain, Mark

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Twain, Mark

The Innocents Abroad


Twain, Mark

Life on the Mississippi


Twain, Mark

The Mysterious Stranger


Twain, Mark

On the Decay of the Art of Lying


Twain, Mark

The Prince and the Pauper


Twain, Mark

Pudd'nhead Wilson


U. S.

United States Constitution


U. S.

Declaration of Independence


Verne, Jules

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


Verne, Jules

Around the World in Eighty Days





Wells, H. G.

War of the Worlds


Wells, H. G.

The Time Machine


Wharton, Edith

The Age of Innocence


Wharton, Edith

The House of Mirth


Wharton, Edith

Ethan Frome


Whitman, Walt

Leaves of Grass


Wilde, Oscar

The Picture of Dorian Grey


Wollstonecraft, Mary

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman


Wordsworth, William

Lyrical Ballads


Wordsworth, William

The Prelude


Woolf, Virginia

A Room of One's Own




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