Thursday, March 11, 2010

Difference between Problem and Exercise

I just watched a university lecture about problem solving. How long do we take to solve a problem, less than a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month , a year or a life time.

The professor poses a problem as follows:-

a. The doctor categorically says that the drug will work if you take it religiously everyday.
b. The drug consists of two type of pills, i.e. Pill A and Pill B.
c. You are required to take only one pill each of A and B at the same time.
d. Any imbalance of dosage taken will kill you.


A + A = fatal
B + B = fatal
A+A+B= fatal
A alone = fatal
B alone = fatal
A + B = OK
B + A = OK
e. There is no marking on the pill and both pill A and B are identical in look.
f. One day, while taking a phone call, you happen to drop 2 A's and 1 B in your palm.
g. As the pills are identical to each other, you have no way to isolate the pill A and pill B.
g. If you take 2 A's and 1 B, it will end your life.

How do you solve this problem ?

Clue to this problem:

This problem can become an exercise for those who have wishful thinking.

I have googled the internet and could not find any solution. Do you want to slow down the emergence of Alzhemier's disease.


Navin K. said...

well he didnt say if A+B+A would kill you

Unknown said...

Sorry, Navin K, this is not the answer. Thanks for hacking your brain.


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