Sunday, September 20, 2009

090916 CN Tower, Toronto

As far as I am concerned, it is my first experience standing on a glass flour which is 1,122 ft above the ground.

This Chinese woman is diplaying her courage by sprawling on the glass floor.

After much cajoling, I undertake the much intimidating task of standing on the glass floor. The feeling is exhilarating just before you overcome the acrophobia. My feet are literally suspended above the Rogers Centre.

A close-up look from below. The bright area is the glass floor. Apparently, the whole floor is made of glass but only certain section is exposed for the visitors to experience the "free fall" sensation.

An experience that you must not miss even though you might reluctant to plunck down your money for the 21 canadian dollar entrance ticket.

CN Tower as seen from Toronto Island, on its left is the Rogers Centre.

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