Wednesday, September 9, 2009

090907 Sushi Buffet, Seattle

I receive complaint that my blog centres too much on foods, strange, why such complaint?
If one looks at the top caption, my blog theme actually revolves around foods.

So, this is another posting of my gluttony adventure.

Time: 5.30 pm

I remember the time because I was there a bit too early. The restaurant opens at 5.30 pm. Anywhere, I am not the first customers.

Can you see the name of the restaurant ?

The protagonists
Snow crabs + Alaska king crabs

Snow crabs - where is the body ?
Oyster, oyster

Chunky bite of sashimi

The proper way to eat cold crab is to dunk it in hot miso soup.
( Not recommended by the management - you know why ?)

I also receive comment that I should give rating for foods sampled. I find it hard to do so as the cliche says: "One man's meat is another man's poison."

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