Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Paling - Smoked Eel, Volendam, Netherlands

I have never heard of this place but it s a very famous tourist attraction in Netherlands. I must confess that after so many days in Netherlands and it is such an homogeneous country, I can hardly differentiate and appreciate the nuances of different towns and cities. In the same vein, Volendam is not much different from other towns and cities except it is fronting the sea line. However, my friends who took me to this place beg to differ. Anywhere, I don't want to launch a long philosophical discussion here. Enjoy the scenery, buy the local specialities. In this case, the paling ( smoked eel ).
This shop apparently specialises smoked fishes.

The smoked eel or paling in Dutch word.

The do's and don'ts of peeling the skin of paling.

The smoked mackerel.

The very famous haring - for those less dauntless, stay away as the corpse-smell will haunt you forever.
The shop is full of paraphernalia.

It has an old issue of one Malaysian Ringgit.

The following pictures are from a different stall - for visual effects only.

Finally, some reader is curious to know the taste of paling. Sorry, I can offer no answer. But the obvious taste will be the "smoke".

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